How Doctor Prescriptions for Human Growth Hormone All Began

How Doctor Prescriptions for Human Growth Hormone All Began

The history of how doctor prescriptions for human growth hormone all began is a long and involved story of major trial and error.

In the mid-1930s, studies were actively being conducted on growth hormone, with subprimates being used as test subjects. Scientists began looking to acquire growth hormone for severely deficient children, but the first preparations created by the purification of bovine GH showed any significant biochemical activity. It was determined then that GH effects are species specific; they had to find a way to isolate human GH.

It wasn’t until 1956 that GH was able to be isolated from a human source, and still not until 1972 that scientists were able to fully unravel its biochemical structure. Initial trials in 1958 and 1960 were making it clear that deficient children stood to benefit from growth hormone replacement therapy, and the first forays began with the human cadaver-derived HGH around that time, showing great promise. It was only available to the cases of most severe deficiency because of the limited supply and the expensive extraction and purification process.

By 1985, nearly 27,000 children worldwide had been given human-extracted GH as treatment or for research purposes. That same year, reports began to come in of cases of individuals who received this form of HGH developing Creuzfeldt-Jacob Disease, a fatal, degenerative brain disorder. Before the year was even half over, use of cadaver-derived GH was ceased completely.

The identification of GH’s biochemical structure in ’72 was the catalyst for the new process of using recombinant DNA technology to process HGH in a laboratory, but this process wasn’t finalized and approved until 1985.

When you look into how to get human growth hormone prescription from a doctor for Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency, you will be able to appreciate the decades of research and trials on a medication treatment that is now available in an unlimited commercial supply.

Why Would Adults Need Growth Hormone?

Growth hormone was given its name because the first discoveries of it had to do with its effects on childhood growth and development. As more time was spent on research, measurements were made of the cycle of its secretion over the period of a person’s lifetime, and it was found to diminish in production after puberty. Correlations began to be made between GH decline and the symptoms that were considered common to the aging process, and it was realized that the symptoms were directly affected by the rate of GH decline.

An adult should be looking into how to get human growth hormone prescription from a doctor when he or she begins to experience the following changes:

  • Loss of energy

  • Unexplainable weight gain (no changes in diet or exercise)

  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Weaker bones

  • Inclination for depression and feelings of social isolation

  • Inability to focus or concentrate

  • Thinning hair or hair loss

  • Joint pain and inflexibility

  • Slow cognition

  • Low immune function

  • Longer healing time

  • Loss of sexual interest

  • Elevated cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

These symptoms can be indicative of a recognized medical condition called Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency. What happens is that the natural GH levels drop to a point low enough to affect proper body functionality. Replacement of natural GH with HGH injections has proven to be the only effective treatment that stops the decline and reverses the symptoms.

Find out how to get human growth hormone prescription from a doctor by calling Greenberg Health today.

What are the Benefits and Risks of HGH?

Balanced hormonal levels are the keys to healthy body functionality. The body begins to slowly deteriorate with the diminished production of growth hormone. Laboratory-created HGH is a biosynthetic duplicate of natural GH and an ideal replacement. Its bio-identical creation process means that the body cannot distinguish between that which was added and the GH that was naturally in the system, making it a very natural medication.

When hormone levels are balanced with the introduction of HGH, the following restorations will occur:

  • More energy and endurance

  • Increased capacity for exercise

  • Enhanced sex drive

  • Better quality of sleep

  • Leaner muscles

  • Stronger bones

  • Better regulated lipid profile

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Enhanced immune function

  • Faster recovery and healing

  • Improved fat conversion; reduction of fat

  • Better mood stability

  • Improved cognition and recall

  • Improved joint health

  • Improved overall sense of wellbeing.

These benefits will only occur when HGH is used as federally indicated when a person takes the correct route in learning how to get human growth hormone prescription from a doctor. It is only when the body is deficient that the injections of HGH carry little to no risk of side effects, because the prescription dosage matches the body’s chemical replenishment need.

Injection of the medicine into a body that is not deficient will not correct these symptoms if they are caused by another medical condition, and too much in the body can be quite harmful. Side effects from overuse of HGH can include edema, carpal tunnel syndrome, insulin resistance, acromegaly, and permanent cardiac damage. For this reason it is necessary to follow the proper channels of how to get human growth hormone prescription from a doctor. HGH cannot be prescribed without true medical need that is validated by a blood test.


Source: Sponsored Article