The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “qualifications.” The head governmental hive will be back in the nest this week and it could bee that the antennas will be wagging. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that half may not bee enough to take the lid off of the honey jar and there are 2 million reasons that four is not enough. The low humm is that some of the swarm are wondering why, if half is not enough, why don’t we just cope with the sticky situation. The low, low humm is that keeping an eye on the prize is fine but one step forward and one step back = stuck in the same ole same ole, like a fly to sticky paper.

And in other buzzz, the push is back on for the great exodus and the buzz says that some looking to be crowned king could bee blinded by the light. The numbers looking to wear the crown are on the rise and the bottom line could bee the price of a turn on the throne. Sometimes a great deal is just a great deal but more than not it is just another nest of nasty. Buzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director