The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “public.” The head governmental hive met this week and they put the freeze on one but let another pass. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that multiple high fliers swarming the crown could bee instrumental in an upcoming vote. The low humm is that an upcoming oration could bee calling for a drop in the swarm. The low, low humm is that pro and cons may bee more and less than some in the hive are anticipating.

And in other buzz, rumors are flying about the upcoming pulling of the lever and the buzz says that it may bee knee deep in a nest of nasty bee fore the ides of March. Could it bee that the County nest is in a pollination pickle and the lines drawn are to blame? Coming to the table with the demi hives could bee costly if the powers that bee are not beehind the negotiation. Buzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director