Five is a Wonderful Number

editorial-logo3This weekend I have been going down memory lane. The Jefferson County Post turned five years old and it is truly amazing the amount of events, meetings and happenings that can be shoved into five short years. I remember the headline article for our first issue included salary comparisons for all County and school side employees. In the sixty months since that first paper many things have changed in Jefferson County. Elected Officials have come and gone, schools have been built, roofs collapsed and major renovations completed. Other departments, like EMA/EMS have new digs, as well.

In the past five years we have grieved for community leaders that have passed and children that have gone too soon. We have endured tragedy, survived natural disasters, and weathered storms. Nearly thirty parades, five County fairs, five graduations, and hundreds of ball games and events later, we still get excited to see what our community can do when they are inspired.

We have watched and recorded as part of our community raised their voice and picket signs against the megasite. And, we were there when their voices were heard and covered the fallout and the fallout from the fallout. Budgets have been cut, political wars waged and law suits filed. Some of those issues that we thought were put to bed have recently arisen from their fitful sleep and will, I am sure, prove to be headline makers in the future. And some things just seem to be constants, forever making news, like death and taxes, they are the inevitable.

This week it is continuing squabbling and the back and forth that appears to be our political norm in Jefferson County. Next week or the next or the next it will be a county complex or number of commissioners or budget cuts or building plans. But sprinkled in will be the thrill of election nights, street fairs and science fairs-holidays and lake days. Bridges will be built, businesses will open and our world will turn.

Turning five is as exciting now as it was the first time I turned five, nearly forty five years ago. I remember the day that Jeff, our editor, rolled out his business model for the Jefferson County Post. Online, fast,reliable news that is available with a click of the button and no subscription or charge to the reader-I seriously questioned his sanity. It was his vision and the Post is his baby. But it is our readers and advertisers that have brought us to our fifth birthday. And so, from all of us at the Jefferson County Post to all of you, thank you! Thank you very much. Five is a wonderful number!

Source: K. Depew, News Director