Buckle Up Buttercup

editorial-logo3With the national political landscape becoming unfamiliar terrain and the people, regular, non political people, injecting themselves into the process for the first time in decades, it bears asking the question-Is this the winter of our discontent? Oh, I know that things look pretty bad this week but the reality is that often things must get really, really bad before they can start to get better.

Sure, some will say that I am crazy but we have to only look as far as our own back yard to see what can come from an uprising of the people. It has been nearly three years since the proposed Jefferson County Megasite deal went seriously south. And while it was proven to be a bad proposition for Jefferson County, if not for the strong opposition from residents in the footprint of the project we might be sitting with a multi, multi million dollar parking lot. The people stood strong and instituted change. It was a tough road and, if memory serves, they were often ridiculed for their stance on the issue. But, rather than cower to the party line, they took the hard, high road and are still serving as watchdog, just in case. Things can change for the better when the people stand up and are counted.

No matter what the outcome of this election, be you democrat or republican, it must be acknowledged that the people are demanding change. They have weathered the years where political patter was the only option offered and they are not comfortable with being status quo anymore. It is one thing to be silently resigned and another thing entirely to wear your discontent clearly and openly for all to see. The demand is so obvious that even a politician blinded by the party light can see that change is just around the corner. It will come and nothing will stop it. The train has left the station and no matter who serves as Conductor, we will be taking a new path.

Is this the winter of our discontent? Maybe it is. Maybe it is. Of course, there are those that will hang onto the status quo with both hands. For those, I say buckle up Buttercup, this may be a bumpy ride. Not to get all Shakespearean but the Ides of March are on the way and change is swirling in the air. This will either be the beginning of the beginning or the beginning of the end. What it will not be is status quo.

Source: K. Depew, News Director