The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “money.” As the budgeting hive prepares to convene, it could bee that several dips in the honey jar may bee on the horizon. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a pollination predicament could beat summer to the punch. The low humm is that it may bee three dips into the honey jar that wasn’t expected. The low, low humm says that it may bee a stinky, sticky situation for some cross hive drones.

And in other buzz, the DOE hive is in a nest of nasty and the buzz says that it could bee a reflection of things to come. Look for the legal eagles to collide on more than one waspish note and the parental bees to swarm around their young. Smiling for the camera could bee the most costly thing that has been encountered, especially if the group gets schooled. Buzzzz.