The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “excuse.” The DOE hive took a pollination peek this week and Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that it just won’t fly. The low humm is that there could bee some questions about just how many it too many and pollination lines that need to bee cleaned up. The low, low humm is that the big winner has the hierarchy wagging their antennas and it may be a sticker situation that one thought when a four finger dip comes with strings attached.

And in other buzzz, the Pines is still waiting and the buzz says that the calendar could bee changing beefore any real action. The ink may not be dry but the clock seems to bee running and that has some in the swarm on high alert and looking for number two. The question that may open up a nest of nasty -is a promise without a proclamation a commitment or just a conundrum headed for the legal eagles? Buzzzz.