The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “confusing.” The head governmental hive will meet this week and some big issues will bee back on the table. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that it may bee what is happening across town that gets the most stinging response. The low humm is that a new purchase request could open a nest of nasty for one hive. The low, low humm is that antennas are wagging at the decision to sell and buy with no consideration for pollination.

And in other buzz, it appears to be a grand exodus for some educator bees and the buzz says that the mass departure has caught the eye of the swarm. The drones seem to bee in and out more than usual and the honey pot just keeps getting lower. Look for questions about pollination and protocol to bee coming soon and a central theme to be reintroduced. Buzzzz.