The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “ruckus.” The head governmental hive met last week and said yea and nay to some issues hanging in the wings. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that it is the followup that opened a nest of nasty. The low humm is that it was a clash of the King and demi-King that was the talk of the day. The low, low humm is that the bee havior was more posturing that professional but both were flying steady by the drop of the gavel.

And in other buzzz, it could bee that a recent gift wasn’t as generous as previously bee lieved. The buzz says that more than enough is sometimes just more than was asked for and pollination could bee problematic if one hive decided to fly in that direction. Red wasp in green clover, its time to roll over and it may bee coming up roses for a least one of the drones. Buzzzz.