Necessities and Advice for Up and Coming College Students

All the tests have been taken, all the classes have been passed, and all applications mailed off. It finally arrives, that all too important acceptance letter. College is officially around the corner as excitement fills the air. Now what?

For many young adults, college will be their first big move from home. Never before have they been given so much freedom and responsibility. It can be a difficult transition for students and parents as preparation begins for the upcoming semester. First time college students still need a bit of guidance and direction before they can officially head out on their own.

According to Campus Explorer, there are several important items that students should consider as they begin packing for dorm life on campus. For starters, every student will receive a typical list of supplies usually found in an orientation packet, or with their acceptance letter. This packet covers bed linens, shower caddies, lamps, as well as mini- fridges and coffee makers. However, some things students might not consider include an extension cord, memory stick (flash drive), a printer, or headphones. The printer will be a huge lifesaver, as every time a big paper is due the student will not have to fight the usual crowd in the library for a coveted spot by the printer.

Students should also strive to be organized as they set up their dorm and prepare for safety and success. Staying organized could include a calendar or planner for keeping up with assignments in class and important social events, and bed boxes for extra storage under the student’s bed. Pinterest is a great place to get decoration and storage ideas for dorm rooms. Emergency tools and supplies might also be useful for students. Suggestions include: batteries, flashlight, and duct tape, as well as cough drops, pain reliever, cold medicine, and vitamin C for when sickness hits.

Supplies and organization are only half the battle for first timers. First time college students should also be concerned with their emotional and mental health as they make this transition. Experts state that it may be advantageous to take a light course load for the first semester, so as not to be overwhelmed and allow time to make friends. Other suggestions include getting enough sleep, and calling home just to check in. Many first time students aren’t prepared for the work level that is expected of them, so being comfortable with the idea of seeking help when struggling is crucial.

Another expert opinion for first timers is to be diverse with their palette as favorite menu items can get old rather quickly. It is better to pick a variety of meals and switch between them rather than being stuck on the same thing. Readers Digest offers quick tips, such as first time students do not need to pack their entire wardrobe, rather they should have enough to carry them through Thanksgiving Break and then switch to winter gear at Thanksgiving. Most importantly, students should be reminded to bring the following items with them to school to ensure their safety and proper documentation should an emergency arise. These items include but are not perhaps limited to: driver’s license, checkbook, credit card, social security card, birth certificate, and passport if the student wishes to travel.

First time college students might have a few moments of panic trying to find their footing in the new world they’re encountering. Amongst all the classes and stress it can get overwhelming. As long as they remember to enjoy the experiences and make friends along the way all will likely be well.

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer