The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “interesting.” The head governmental hive meet this week to re address the pollination proclamation that didn’t pass the King Bee. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that it will surely get the nod from the swarm but the back and forth could bee the start of another nest of nasty. The low humm is that with the fix on the line, some are wagging their antennas at yet another step back. The low, low humm says that signing on the dotted line may bee more difficult for the drone of choice if both sides won’t play well with others.

And in other buzzz, parental bees in the Pines are feeling waspish about their tiny fliers winging it to the trough. The buzz says that it may bee possible to equate the depth of stinging reaction to the eventual dips in the honey jar. It is already a sticky situation for the red, white and blue hive, with some members of the swarm keeping an eagle eye on just who is stuck with the tab for design gone wrong. Buzzzz.