The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “familiar.” A new drone is flying around one initialed hive and it appears that he may bee a flash from the not so distance past. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that the new addition could bee just what the swarm is expecting but sometimes location is everything. The low humm is that the land of palmettos may bee just a little too close to home for at least some in the swarm. The low, low humm is that the high flier may already have spotted a prize and it may bee just the coo to douse the flames on more than one nest of nasty that just keeps hanging on.

And in other buzz, the honey jar is holding for the DOE hive. The Buzz says that they got by with a little help from their friends and they have 30,000 reasons to be thankful. On the other hand a mouse in the hand may bee the fly in the ointment for another pollination package and it is clear that add ons will get a waspish reception. The buzzy question of the week-When is two, too many and too much? Buzzzz.