Happy Labor Day from the Jefferson County Post

The last moments of summer are drifting away and with them comes the final holiday. Labor Day 2016 will be celebrated on Monday September 5th. Labor Day was a creation of the labor movement, and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

The holiday is also remembered as a yearly tribute to the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. While Labor Day may be the unofficial “ending” of summer, it is also a reminder to Americans about the hard work and endurance many have underwent over the years in the name of the American Dream.

Events are happening all across the state of Tennessee to celebrate the holiday. For example, a Labor Day concert is being held in Jonesborough. The free concert will feature the Johnson City community band. Discovery Park in middle Tennessee will open from 10-5 with admission for everyone at $10. There will be craftsmen, face painting, and other family friendly events. The Tennessee Soybean Festival in Martin, Tennessee will be holding a concert featuring Hunter Haynes at 9:00 p.m. There will be limited seating and tickets begin online at $20. There’s fun to be found all over this Labor Day, as we celebrate the fruits of good, old-fashioned American hard work!

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Staff Writer