Home Decorating Tips for a Fast Approaching Fall

Fall brings with it a vast array of colors, and senses that captivate and amaze. The season of change brings something comforting to many, like a feeling of coming home. Fall also brings about Halloween and other decorating opportunities. Here are a few decorating tips to make your home as coveted as a pumpkin spice latte.

As the fall season draws closer, people everywhere are scrambing to find the most accessible and impressive ways to decorate; it’s only natural that areas like Pinterest have been flooded with inexpensive decorating tips, the sheer volume of which is sure to not disappoint. One popular suggestion is to use popcorn kernels as decoration. The kernels are usually inexpensive and can be found at most grocery stores. They can be used to decorate with a clear container and candle or with a bowl with pumpkins on top of them. This reminds visitors of the harvesting times of fall, as well as creates a rustic look.

Other inexpensive ideas include decorating with some of the most readily available fall materials: pinecones. Pinecones are very festive and can be reused in both the fall and winter seasons, and can be placed in a bowl by themselves or decorated to create garland around your Christmas tree. Cinnamon sticks are another suggestion. Cinnamon is inexpensive at stores, and is an iconic fall spice that not only looks pretty, but smells pretty. You can use the cinnamon with candles and tie them to the candles with raffia or twine. Leaves are also another great readily available source. You can get the kids involved in helping you gather them. Put them in a vase, bowl, or tie one around a clear glass candle holder (just be careful not to create a fire hazard).

Other possibilities include giving your living room a snug, warming feel by swapping out pillows that are more light weight for velvet or luxe fabrics in fall shades. Fall is also the perfect time to fill window boxes and gardens with snow white, purple, or English ivy to add a cheery pop of color. Hopefully, these will endure the winter and beautify the barren landscape.

Woman’s Day magazine brings its own fall tips to decorate your home in unique and quirky ways, and suggests cozy seating like a throw blanket over outside furniture with an accompaniment of a basket of small pumpkins. This will create the perfect seat anytime of day. You can also buy white pumpkins and take a metallic marker to write inspirations of the season on the front of them and put them out on display. You could also find an old serving tray and some chalkboard paint to create your own seasonal welcome sign.

Other ideas include taking plain old acorns from the backyard and painting them using craft paint. This way they will be interesting fall colors that you can display on the mantle or cluster around the kitchen table. Some people have taken to using pumpkins as flower pots. Cut out the tops and scoop out the insides, then add dirt and the flower of your choice. These are just some of many ideas out there. Find something that fits your style and taste, and create something to brighten your home in the coming season.

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer