Carmichael Retains Seat as Chair of the County Commission

The officers of the Jefferson County Commission will not change, as Commissioner Carmichael was again seated as Chairman for another term. He was elected in an 11-8-1 split over challenger Robert Tucker in Monday night’s voting meeting. Also serving another term will be Kesterson who was unopposed as Vice Chair, Scarlett who won the Parliamentarian seat 17-2-1 and Tabor who was elected to serve as Chaplin following a tie vote with McGraw who acquiesced.

Notable actions during the September 19, 2016 meeting included the replacement of hospital reserve funds that were used to balance the budget. The monies were used in the budgeting process with the expectation that the Commission would have roll over funds from the previous fiscal year to replenish the hospital fund. The item came, along with several other items that were of the nature of general housekeeping, as a budget amendment. One item of exception was the combination of two part time positions in the Registrar’s Office to one full time position, which will require additional benefits. That item was approved, as well. The County Commission voted to suspend the rules to allow the items to be presented without recommendation of the Budget Committee, though the Budget Committee had previously approved the items in question. Inconsistencies between Commission policy and actual practice will require that the Budget Committee officers, elected last week, come for another vote in the October meeting. While practical implementation required that the Budget Committee be seated before the October meeting, policy states that the Nominating Committee will recommend all boards and committees in October. The policy was enacted when the Commission was holding quarterly, rather than monthly, meetings. Though the Budget and Nominating Committees are each comprised of one member from each district and meet at the same time, according to Parliamentarian Scarlett, the most recent committee elections go against present policy. The issue will be referred to an ad hoc committee to bring the policy up to date with calendar needs.

The Commission funded a $25,000 expenditure to purchase LIDAR/ORTHOS from fund balance. The motion to fund came from Commissioner McGraw and was 2nd by Commissioner Turner. At the request of and with a motion from Commissioner Beeler, the Facilities Committee will take up the question of the scope of renovation of the former Department of Education Building and return a recommendation in the October meeting. In answer to concerns regarding the Library Board’s breech of County policy, Commissioner McGraw made a successful motion to fund the Libraries with the understanding that any further breech of policy will result in a hold of funding. He was 2nd by Commissioner Solomon and the motion passed 14-5. Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri stated that the Office of the Mayor provides handbooks and direction on County policy. Commissioner McGraw requested that Jefferson County Finance Director Potts comprise additional training materials on County policy.

Finance Director Potts brought several items for surplus, as well as a Contracts in Lieu of Performance Bonds, all of which were approved by the Commission. With a motion from Scarlett and 2nd from McGraw, the Commission approved a resolution to rezone property located on W. Old AJ Highway from A-1 to C-2. The Property rezoning request was made by owners James and Teresia Murph and was the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

Commissioner David Seal moved a resolution urging the General Assembly of Tennessee to Pass a new law or amend the current law to protect citizens from eminent domain abuse. He was 2nd by Commissioner McGraw and the resolution was approved. Chairman of the Conservation Board Tucker requested that the Commission consider allowing the Board to seek the cost and scope of professional services in regard to a proposed park. Commissioner McGraw made the successful motion to move forward and was 2nd by Commissioner Solomon.

At the request of Commissioner Huffaker, all County Fire Departments will be asked to submit reports.

Source: K. Depew, News Director