The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “unfinished.” The DOE hive met this week and took care of some business that may bee sticker than expected. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that eight dips in the honey jar have some of the drones in a dizzy tizzy like gnats near a ceiling fan. The low humm is that they could bee three spoonfuls shy and that has some in the swarm wagging their antennas. The low, low humm is that lobbying for a nay has some in a waspish mood and it could bee that point pushing equals pollination poison.

And in other buzz, some educator bees are looking for answers and the buzz says that it could bee a moldy issue at hand. Locked out to bee locked down isn’t playing well with some of the drones and others are wondering what the secret is all about. A recent change has some in the swarm looking for the fine print, especially when the numbers just don’t seem to bee adding up. Buzzz.