The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “withdrawn.” The head governmental hive met last week and it was a chilly encounter. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that skipping categories could bee foreshadowing of wicked things to come. The low humm is that one of the drones may bee looking to put the sting on the Pines. The low, low humm is that the real issue that some powers that bee are sidestepping could bee more about fluidity than flying and the Pines could bee just a victim of causality.

And in other buzz, it was a meeting of the King Bees from various hives that have some antennas wagging in the swarm. Pollination was the topic but the idea of dipping into local honey pots may bee met with a waspish response, especially if all things beeing unequal brings up ghosts from budgets past. After all, the buzz says that it is the season for haunting and things from the past often return and sometimes the past has more of a sting than the present. Buzzzzz.