The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week was “astonishing.” The head governmental hive met this week and gave the pollination nod to projects. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that the swarm could bee in for a shock. The low humm is that even scraping the honey jar may not bee enough if the pollination projection holds. The low, low humm is that one drone may bee the architect of the nest of nasty and that the number has been flying around for awhile, just under the radar.

And in other buzz, the DOE hive will bee getting a face lift but the buzz says that it may bee on the back burner if the pollination proclamation is correct. A meeting of the swarm was not necessarily a meeting of the minds but they aren’t the only nest that is in a waspish mess. The historic hive has several drones that keep poking the nest and the casting of the yea has some in an uproar. Look for a split in the hive bee fore it gets better. Buzzzz.