Daylight Savings Time Ends November 6, 2016 at 2 a.m. – Time To Fall Back

It’s that confusing and kind of strange time of year again, the ending of Daylight Savings Time. Before you put yourself in a panic, Daylight Savings Time will end on Sunday November 6th at 2 a.m. This means that before you go to bed Saturday night you need to set your clock back exactly 1 hour.

If you are wondering if there are any benefits to the time change there are a few. Everyone will get an extra hour of sleep with the time change. Also, the time change is a great time to change the batteries in fire alarms and make sure that smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly.

It should be noted that the time change will be automatic for digital devices such as smart phones, tablets, and computers. However, if you have an analog clock you will have to manually set the time back. Take advantage of the time change and extra sleep while you can it only lasts until March 12, 2017 when Daylight Savings Time will be in effect again.

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer