The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “reality.” The head governmental hive met this week but the swarm wasn’t the only nest of nasty in the county. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that the DOE hive is in a pollination crunch and the trickle down has some local drones mad as a hornet. The low humm is that cutting corners may not bee all that it is cracked up to bee. The low, low humm is that the powers that bee could bee less than pleased at a six figure swap.

And in other buzz, already up and done should bee a part of the bottom line but the buzz says that it is conveniently absent. The DOE hive is looking for some pollination pondering before the jingle bells ring but as of now it looks like the demi swarm is not looking to fly back to the nest anytime soon. A recent nay has one King bee feeling waspish and it looks like the ghost of meetings past has flown home with a vengeance. Buzzz