Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

For many, the new year brings challenges and the promise of New Year’s resolutions. These resolutions usually aim to make us brighter happier beings, who in most cases are slimmer and have a pocket full of cash. Many of us throw ourselves into our resolutions, but usually end up failing about a month in. Want to keep your resolutions this year? Here are some tips on keeping your New Year’s resolutions for 2017.

The honest truth of the matter is that we are horrible at keeping resolutions and seeing them through. This is why they continue to pop up and haunt us year after year. Traditionally only about eight percent of people actually end up keeping their New Year’s goals. Why do we so readily fail at keeping our resolutions? For many, the problem is attacking the resolution too aggressively. They throw themselves into the resolution, making impossible to maintain life changes, and put themselves under monumental stress. This is a fast track to a burn out on our resolutions.

Many want to slim down in the New Year and attempt to lose weight. Millions do not achieve their goals because they begin with over restrictive diets, or exercise regimes that they can’t commit to on a schedule. That being said, experts say that we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves for not being able to keep the resolutions. To really succeed, they suggest focusing on making small incremental changes to whatever aspect or aspects in our lives that we wish to improve on. These small changes will be the beginning steps of improving toward and making good on bigger goals. The beginning small steps in our goals and resolutions can make success easier to achieve, and limit the chance of giving up because we might have missed the goal completely. Experts suggest making several steps to help reach our goals.

One of the most surprising steps of keeping your resolutions is to look outside yourself. Don’t be afraid to seek outside resources for help. In the case of quitting smoking, experts find that smokers are more likely to quit if they are willing to see their doctor and take advantage of medication or support groups.

If your goal is to save more and spend less, there are several things to take advantage of to help manage your money and make you aware of your spending habits. For some Americans stagnant wages and the rising cost of items like healthcare may be driving more to budget than ever before.

Apps and credit card and savings accounts make monitoring money significantly easier. Experts suggest using pay roll deductions, a deposit account, and savings account to help get started. These are crucial in the battle of saving more and spending less. With the right tools in place one can often quickly take control of their finances.

The key to fulfilling a resolution is to realize that people who achieve their New Year’s goals do not commit to change in isolation, but rather embrace a life style change. The beginning of resolution success starts with your own personal willingness in the matter. Mindfulness and being aware of the consequences of actions is a key piece of sticking to any goal. With these tips, go forth and make 2017 yours!

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer