The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “interesting.” The budgeting hive met to divvy up dips in the honey jar. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that while most were winners one drone lost big. The low humm is that one charitable nest could bee in for a nasty surprise come time for the final nay. The low, low humm is that the honey pot could be quickly running dry for another hive and it may bee more than the state nest is willing to overlook.

And in other buzzz, whispers and the buzz says that the words class action could bee on the horizon and it could all ride on final action from the swarm. The DOE hive is in the clear for pollination but they still have a couple of nests of nasty to clean up before the final bell rings. One nest may bee seeing red bee fore the week is over and the lines may bee redrawn in the sand. Buzzzz.