Keeping Your Pets Safe this 4th of July Season

Although they might be fun to look at and are one of the staples of the holiday, fireworks are no laughing matter when it comes to pets. Many pet owners know the stress of the holiday and are frustrated finding solutions to keep their pets safe. Here are a list of tips to keep your pets safe this Fourth of July holiday.

Fireworks scare pets. Naturally, this causes the pets to try to run away and escape the sound that is causing them distress, creating an unusual excess of stray animals around the area. Experts report that there is a thirty percent increase of lost pets from July 4th to July 6th, and that July 5th is an especially busy day for animal shelters.

So, how do you keep your pets safe? The biggest suggestion is removing the factor of fireworks all together, and not bringing pets anywhere near them. This even includes pets that you might keep outside. If you are planning to stay home for the holiday, make sure to stay with your pets. Turning on a TV or radio to mask the noises coming from the outside can help a great deal. Another suggestion is to distract your pets with their favorite toy or game.

What about if don’t want to leave your pet alone and want to take them to the celebration with you? Experts suggest keeping them on a leash and under your direct control to keep them from wandering off. Have others at the celebration keep an eye on the animal too. Other suggestions include talking to your pet’s veterinarian. Usually, the vet can prescribe medication to help calm the animal down. You can also talk to the vet about possible coping techniques to help calm your pet’s fears and anxieties.

One of the top suggestions of experts is safeguarding with proper identification. If you are willing to pay for the investment, getting your pet microchipped can make all the difference. This way, you have a much higher chance of having your pet returned should they get lost. If microchipping is not something you would like for your pet, you can get them typical identification tags. Be sure to include the pet’s name, your address, and your phone number on the collar. This will, again, better the chances of your pets being returned safe and sound.

Experts also suggest that once all the fun is over to check your yard for any firework debris or damage before letting your pet out of the house the next morning. Pets tend to wander and want to chew on new and unexpected things, causing them to possibly get sick. Follow these and other safety tips to keep your furry friend safe and happy this 4th of July.

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer