Safety Tips to Close the Summer

The scorching heat outside reminds us that, although August might be slowly creeping around the corner, we are still in the dog days of summer. With summer still in full swing, parents and children should be reminded that just because the same routine of pool, fun, and sun has been repeated for weeks now, does not mean that there can be a let up on summer safety. Here’s a crash course in summer safety tips to keep you and your family safe in these precious remaining summer days.

Summer usually involves a lot of time outside and a lot of opportunities for parents and kids to find themselves in situations they wouldn’t be involved in with normal routines. If you are at the pool, playground, or just out in the heat, there are several things to remember so that everyone is safe and can enjoy the experience.

Heat is having a big impact upon our area right now. The basic reminders are the essential ones. If you or the kids are going to be exposed to the sun for extended periods of time, make sure that you have on sunscreen with an appropriate SPF, so no one gets burned. It is also of vital importance that you remember to drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. Extended exposure to the sun can have lasting harmful and sometimes deadly consequences, especially combined with dehydration.

Heatstroke occurs when the ability of the body to sweat fails and body temperature begins to rise quickly. If the body is left in a state of heatstroke for too long, it essentially results in vital organs being “cooked” by the body itself. So, what do you do if you think you or someone near you is experiencing heatstroke? Experts suggest calling 911 immediately, moving the person into a half sitting positon in the shade, and not giving the person aspirin or anything to drink.

Playground safety is just as important for parents to keep an eye on and stay up to date on as heat safety. There are many things that parents should expect and look for before allowing their kids on the playground. Experts suggest looking for improper protective surfaces made of materials such as wood chips, mulch, or wood fibers. Parents should also be aware of tripping hazards, such as tree stumps or rocks. The most important aspect of child safety is adult supervision. Be aware and alert of your child and their surroundings at all times.

Water is such a huge part of the summer for both kids and adults that it never hurts to remind (and keep reminding) everyone of the importance of water safety. We are later on in the summer, and many kids have been swimming and doing their same water activity routines for months now. However, parents should always be aware that drowning is the second leading cause of death for people aged 5-24.

Experts suggest keeping these basic water safety tips in mind. Never swim alone or allow kids to swim alone: things can change in the water in a matter of seconds. Make sure that the body of water that you are swimming in is your skill level. If possible, take the time to learn CPR and other life saving methods, just in case something were to go wrong. Lastly, beware of undercurrents hiding below the surface. Keeps these and other safety tips in mind to make sure that these last days of summer are safe and fun.

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer