New Sanitation Fees on Tap

The Jefferson County Commission met for their Regular Work Session on Monday, November 13, 2017 at the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse. Commission Chairman Tucker presided over the meeting, bringing for consideration the annual schedule for the County Commission. Three citizens addressed the Commission: one a Jefferson County High School Student regarding animal leash tether lengths, one about upcoming resolutions, and one requesting a policy for noise control.

David Gaut, Sanitation Director for Jefferson County, informed the Commission that there will be changes in the rate structure. Of particular interest was the limit of 1500 lbs for disposal of animals, including cows. Additional animals, or those over 1500 lbs, will incur a charge of $38 per ton. Other changes include a $5 fee for Class 4 garbage and a $28 dollar fee for Class 4 that exceeds one ton. Unsecured loads, meaning loads that are in danger of blowing out, will be penalized $20, as will those that are still unloading 30 minutes past closing time. Regular household garbage and typical household brush will not incur an increase. Director Gaut stated that the increased had been approved by the Sanitation Board and the increased charge for animals over 1500 lbs will likely be rare, but is in line with fees for other commercial businesses.

Two resolutions will be presented for vote at the next voting meeting. Both resolutions are regarding responsibility and funding for economic development. Also being presented for approval will be a request to refer a potential noise ordinance to the Public Service Committee. The County Commission will meet Monday, November 20, 2017 for their last scheduled meeting of the calendar year.

Source: K. Depew, News Director