Ruth Graham To Speak At 32nd C-N Ashe-Henderson Lectures

Ruth Graham, daughter of the Rev. Billy and Ruth Bell Graham, visits with Carson-Newman students following a chapel service last February.
Ruth Graham is the featured speaker of Carson-Newman’s annual Ashe-Henderson Lectures, held Jan. 29 through 31, Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 a.m., and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7 p.m. in Jefferson City’s First Baptist Church sanctuary. Samford University’s Dr. Eric Mathis, professor of church music and worship leadership, will head the series’ music, which will feature C-N’s combined choirs and Wind Ensemble.
Graham, the youngest daughter of evangelist Rev. Billy and Ruth Bell Graham, speaks regularly and draws from her own life experiences to highlight often the ignored struggles of the church.
Since 2011 she has served as honorary chair for C-N’s Women of Vision, a group seeking to grow the transformational leadership of women through personal, professional, and philanthropic investments and role modeling for the next generation of women.
However, Jan. 29 through 31, Graham will be speaking not just to the women of C-N but to the entire campus and community. The theme of this year’s series is “Wholeness: Journey for a Lifetime.”
The series’ schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, Jan. 29:
9:30 a.m. Title: Who Am I? My personal Testimony, Luke 15:11-32;
7 p.m. Title: Who Are You? What God Says, various scriptures
Wednesday, Jan. 30:
7 p.m. Title: Going Back to Go Forward, Genesis 16:9; Acts 15:21; Luke 15:18.
Thursday, Jan. 31:
9:30 a.m. Title: What Does That Have to Do with This? Judges 13-16;
7 p.m. Title: Letting Go, Matthew 6:12.
The Ashe-Henderson Lectures are a campus tradition 32 years strong. Established 1982 by the late Martha Ashe, C-N’s first female trustee, the series coincides with C-N’s Christian Emphasis Week and was named to honor Ashe’s grandfather, J.T. Henderson, C-N’s president at the turn of the 20th century. The Ashe family, through her son Ambassador Victor Ashe, still supports the series.