The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “announcement.” The head governmental hive met this week, and Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that it is a return from the recent past that has antennas wagging. The low humm is that the review has more to do with August than agreement. The low, low humm says that it could bee costly if one drone makes a run at the prize despite repeat review.

And, in other buzzz, one King Bee is stepping aside, and the buzz says that one of the no bees may do a quick pick up. Look for the signs to align as political wanna bees continue to take sides and the candidates to be as thick as honey in another race, as things heat up in the local hive. Pollination could bee problematic for another hive, as their annual spring dip in the honey jar runs away with them. Buzzzz