DES Family Reading Night

Tennessee Voices for Children, Sue Ownby - Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Anne Fox's (right) 3rd Grade Class and First Year Teacher Jessica Anders (Left), Not pictured are Janet Norton and Leanne Overton. - Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

First Year Teacher Jessica Anders assisting 3rd Grade Class with Reading Night activities - Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Dandridge Elementary School hosted a family reading night on Tuesday, January 29th. The event brought out students and their parents to enjoy time together sharing books. Proficient reading skills have been identified as one of the major indicators in a student’s long-term academic success and the local schools are working hard to promote early reading. Family Reading Nights are just one of the methods that the schools are employing to increase student’s interest in books. Dandridge Elementary School has the new Claudia Sisk Memorial Reading Room, which provides a fun and unique environment for students to enjoy a book and has been a successful addition to Dandridge Elementary School. Teachers at the school were on hand to promote the benefits of making family time to read together and encourage student’s interest in the world of books.

Source: K. Depew, News Director