The 2019-2020 Jefferson County Elementary School Basketball League
The 2019-2020 Jefferson County Elementary School Basketball League has begun. On October 26, from 9:00am-10:30am (girl teams) and from 10:30am-12:00pm (boy teams), Coaches and players from each team will be participating in a coaches/camp clinic held at Jefferson County High School. While attending this clinic, the elementary coaches and players will be receiving direct instruction from our high school coaches and their team members on specific drills and skill development activities that they can use at their elementary practices and games.
The league will be playing all games on Saturdays at the Patriot Academy, beginning with a “Play Day” starting on November 2nd. Each boy’s and girl’s teams will play 2 quarters starting at 9:00am.
The first official games will start on November 9th, with games starting at 8:30am. Regular Season games will be played on November 9th, 16th, and 23rd, December 7th, 14th and January 11th, 18th, followed by a season ending County Tournament starting on January 20th.
All regular season games will consist of 2 halves, followed by a JV quarter, so all kids will be able to play. Admission to all games will be $4 for adults and $2 students (Grades 6-12).
“It’s hard to believe that it’s already basketball season, but we are all extremely grateful to the coaches, students, parents, and school employees that have worked hard to prepare for this elementary league. Mr. Randy Rogers, athletic director for JCHS, will serve as the league coordinator throughout this season and we look forward to watching these students grow as young people and athletes during the season.” (Dr. Shane Johnston, Jefferson County Director of Schools)