The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is back. The head governmental hive returned to the nest this week and Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that some big pollination may bee in the pipeline. Could it bee that coveting the honey jar was more foreshadowing than covetous? The low humm is that those in the know may bee looking for a groupon. The low, low humm is that it could bee all a nest of nasty if one reoccurring hive of fast fliers gets the nod again.

And in other buzzz, the exodus of one demi king has the drones in an uproar. The buzz says that there could bee another stinger in the works soon but it may bee more glee than flee. Look for cold weather to keep the hives close to home but the ides of March may bring millions of questions. Buzzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director