I am Smoke. I am the sweetest.
I am Smoke. I am the sweetest. I have been to the gym so much and gotten so big and strong that I cannot bend my front legs. The hoomans at the shelter say that I prance and trot when I walk. I find it fun so that’s ok. I like frens both hoomans and doggos. But I can be picky with my doggo frens so if you want me to be yours I should meet your frens first to make sure we like eachother. What I love most are walks. Wait actually no I like runs the moistest. Or playing with toys. Or food. I love food. Ok I love these things equally. Unless I am super hungry. In which case. I love food the most. And the hoomans that give me the food. I would love to meet you all. Can’t wait to see you. (please bring treats).
For more information please call CARE at (865) 471-5696