Here is Magica!

Henlo frens
. My name is Magica. I lived on the streets for a long long time. So when I arrived at the shelter I was so. scared. I hid all day and had to woof at everyone who tried to help me. It took some time but now I trust them and love them. I have been so lucky. I have had 2 amazing foster families. My first helped me relax in a home and they taught me not to be scared of stairs. and now my new foster family lets me play outside all day with my new best fren
. I love belly rubs. I don’t do barks because I’m scared of loud noises. So why would I make my own loud noises? I love other doggo frens
and kiddo frens
and my favorite game is tug
of war. I know when and where to pee and never make mistakes. I just get a bit intimidated my
men. And loud noises. Especially the evil vacuum. Evil. I just need a safe place to run to when I get scared. I come back out eventually. My foster families are amazing. But I would really love a forever home and a forever family.