Congressman Duncan Meeting With Constituents

Congressman Duncan meeting with Jefferson County resident Jim Moore - Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Congressman Duncan meeting with Jefferson County resident Jim Moore – Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Congressman Duncan was on hand to speak to constituents on Friday, February 8, 2013 at the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse. The Congressman took the morning on Friday to spend some one on one time with people in his District. Around 70 local residents took the opportunity to have a personal conversation with Duncan, who met with each privately.

Congressman Duncan stated in an interview, following his meeting with constitutes, that some expressed concern regarding issues that are facing Jefferson County, including the proposed Megasite. The Congressman said that he generally considers it to be a primarily local issue, however he has been very outspoken in his distaste for loss of private property. He contends that private property is vital to freedom and the loss of such is a dangerous thing. He went on to say that you can never satisfy the government’s appetite for money or land. Congressman Duncan stated that he believes that the power should remain with the people at the most local level and that federal involvement in the issue would be in regard to the EPA or other similarly functioning departments. He said that he had not, as of yet, been requested to contact any federal agency about the Megasite, however he tries to assist in making contact if it is requested by one of his constituents.

Another hot button issue that has the eye of not only Jefferson County residents but the Nation is that of gun control. Congressman Duncan stated that he does not support gun restrictions. Duncan spent more than 7 years as a Criminal Court Judge and has seen his share of criminals pass through his courtroom. The Congressman attributes many of the problems associated with crime to father absent households. He said that millions of good people come from single mother households but many young men are growing up without a strong, positive male role model. Duncan believes that one of the main challenges that families face today is economic difficulty and that nothing is more important to our Nation than the family unit. He hopes to ease the strain on families by returning prosperity to the Country. The Congressman said that the government has sent many good jobs into other countries and that unemployment and underemployment is too high and the stress on the working family is great. The government, through taxation and poor economic decisions, has forced both parents into the workforce. He wants the Country to progress to a time where duel incomes are a choice, not a necessity, and the American family can return to the forefront of our Nation.

Congressman Duncan is looking forward to spending time in the District and is anticipating seeing more of the local residents at events in the area. He said that he is easy to invite and wants to be included in community functions. Congress Duncan spends time in Washington by necessity but his heart is always in East Tennessee.

Source: K. Depew, News Director