Tennessee Creates Permanent Lineworker Day, AEC Linemen were Honored

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On April 10, 2023, Tennessee became the first state in the nation to formally adopt a standing Lineworker Appreciation Day. The second Monday of April of each year has been codified into state law as a day to show appreciation for the state’s 3,500 electric lineworkers.

Dozens of lineworkers from across the state were at the State Capitol to be honored by members of the Tennessee General Assembly, including Appalachian Electric Cooperative’s (AEC) linemen, Dexter Lowe, Chad Seals, Shane Alvey and Brock Johnson. They were welcomed by Sen. Paul Bailey and Rep. Clark Boyd, sponsors of the legislation creating the day of appreciation, along with Secretary of State Tre Hargett in a special ceremony in the Old Supreme Court Chambers. Later they were recognized from the floor of the House of Representatives.

You should be honored and appreciated for what you do on a daily basis,” said Sen. Paul Bailey.

Joe McCarter, AEC Vice President of Engineering & Operations says, “AEC was honored to send four of our linemen for this historic event establishing the second Monday of April as Lineworker Appreciation Day. Their tireless dedication to keeping the lights on no matter what the weather conditions is a tribute to the profession and to each individual that straps on hooks or flies a bucket.”

Electric lineworker is consistently ranked among the most dangerous jobs in America. “Safe and reliable energy is a critical part of Tennessee’s economy,” says Mike Knotts, CEO of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association (TECA), “and lineworkers are the guardians of that infrastructure. Their tireless efforts, often in the face of extreme weather conditions and challenging environments, keep the lights on and our homes, businesses, and communities powered. We owe a debt of gratitude to these brave men and women who work so hard to ensure our safety and well-being.”

About AEC

AEC receives power from TVA at four delivery point substations and operates 12 distribution substations across the service area, serving portions of Jefferson, Hamblen, Hawkins, Grainger and Sevier counties. AEC serves almost 50,000 members across 2,600 miles of distribution lines with a peak system demand of 345 MW.

About TECA

Electric cooperatives serve more than 2.8 million consumers and 72 percent of Tennessee. The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association provides leadership, advocacy and support for the association’s 25 electric cooperatives and publishes The Tennessee Magazine, the state’s most widely circulated periodical. Visit tnelectric.org or tnmagazine.org to learn more.