Jefferson County School District Asked To Be On Panel At Southeast Safety Summit

left to right: Melanie Simpson (Principal Jefferson Middle School) Julie Allen (Principal Piedmont Elementary) Dr. Tommy Arnold (Director of Jefferson County Schools), Carrie Trent (Supervisor of Student Support Services), Mandy Schneitman (TDOE Safety Mentor), Adam Jefferson (SRO JMS), Frank DeAngelo (Former Principal Columbine High School), Sheriff Jeff Coffey
Photo submitted by Jefferson County Schools

The Jefferson County School District was recently highlighted for their work in school safety at the Southeast Safety Summit sponsored by Safe and Sound Schools held in Gatlinburg, TN July 26-28, 2023. Jefferson County Schools participated in a panel discussion moderated by TN Department of Education Safety Mentor, Mandy Schneitman regarding their success in conducting Threat Assessment in schools.

Director of Schools, Dr. Tommy Arnold, spoke to the increasing number of Threat Assessments our schools are conducting and his expectations for school administration teams. In addition, Dr. Arnold emphasized communication and collaboration with our Sheriff’s office and families are vital when dealing with threats in our schools. Supervisor of Student Support Services, Carrie Trent oversees the Threat Assessment process to ensure thorough investigations are completed by supporting school teams when a threat is reported.

Sheriff Jeff Coffey shared examples of the types of threats our schools have received and how his office responds. He also spoke to how the “See Something, Hear Something, Say Something” campaign that was established in Jefferson County Schools last year helped bring awareness for people to report threats.

Melanie Simpson, Principal at Jefferson Middle School, and Julie Allen, Principal at Piedmont Elementary School shared how their Threat Assessment Teams utilize safety plans, student support plans and our partnership with Allied Behavioral Health Solutions to give students needed resources. Melanie Simpson shared a student success story involving this process and how it has completely changed how this particular student interacts with others. Adam Jefferson, SRO at Jefferson Middle spoke to the importance of SROs becoming involved in the school environment and making positive connections with students.

Dr. Tommy Arnold closed the panel discussion by sharing Jefferson County Schools plans to have a School Safety Forum on August 8th at 6:30 pm in the Performing Arts Center of Jefferson County High School. This Forum is being conducted so parents can hear about safety measures the schools have in place, hear from Sheriff Coffey and introduce the SROs that will be keeping our schools safe for the 2023-2024 school year.