Unlocking New and Old Passions: Tennessee Wildlife Federation Offering Hunting and Fishing Workshops to East Tennesseans

Tennessee Wildlife Federation

 Tennessee Wildlife Federation, one of the largest and oldest nonprofits dedicated to conserving the state’s wildlife and natural resources, is reconnecting residents with the Tennessee outdoors through its hands-on hunting and fishing workshops. For the remainder of 2023, the Federation has 15 workshops scheduled across the state with five located in East Tennessee.Designed to equip participants with essential skills, these workshops are ideal for becoming a self-reliant hunter or angler. No matter the specific topic, each workshop aims to address some of the biggest challenges faced by novice outdoorsmen and women, such as rules and regulations, access to land, and finding resources through the outdoors community.“With so much opportunity in the state, we want to empower our participants with the confidence needed to explore any outdoor pursuit they’re interested in,” says Jeb Beasley, Hunting and Fishing Academy manager. “Once they’ve had that first positive experience, we hope it’ll translate into a lifetime passion.”The workshops are part of Tennessee Wildlife Federation’s Hunting and Fishing Academy, which offers Tennesseans opportunities to expand their knowledge and passion for the outdoors.In addition to workshops, Hunting and Fishing Academy also provides free virtual classes for those looking to learn new skills and dust off old ones. All virtual classes are free, and anyone who registers will receive a recording of the class afterward. To learn more and sign up visit, tnwf.org/academy.

Upcoming East Tennessee Workshops


Getting Started in Hunting WorkshopAug. 31, 6-8 p.m. ET – Knoxville, TNPrice $35Learning to hunt can be a challenge if you were not raised in a hunting family. This workshop is designed to outline the steps one must take to become a hunter while providing helpful knowledge to prepare you for your hunting pursuits. We will discuss the Hunters Safety Education program, how to buy a license, the vast hunting opportunities found in Tennessee, and how to access them.Registration Link: https://act.tnwf.org/a/knoxville-hunting-fy24-20230831


Deer Hunting WorkshopSept. 14, 6-8 p.m. ET – Knoxville, TNPrice $35Deer hunting is one of the most rewarding ways to enjoy Tennessee’s great outdoors. Having abundant public lands and annual harvests averaging well over 100,000 deer, Tennessee is a great place to learn to hunt. During this two-hour workshop, we will work through the planning process of what you will need to know in preparation for a deer hunt. We will discuss finding a place to hunt, selecting the right gear, scouting techniques, and more.Registration Link: https://act.tnwf.org/a/knoxville-deer-fy24-20230914

Fly Fishing WorkshopSept. 28, 6-8 p.m. ET – Knoxville, TNPrice $35Fly Fishing is one of the most captivating forms of outdoor recreation. However, it can also be intimidating to beginners. Our goal is to simplify the learning curve and help you start your fly fishing career! During this two-hour workshop, you will learn about the components of a fly rod and reel, knot tying, and the basics of casting. We hope you join us for this fun and educational experience!Registration Link: https://act.tnwf.org/a/knoxville-fly-fishing-fy24-20230928


Deer Hunting WorkshopOct. 14, 3-6 p.m. ET – Roan Mountain, TNPrice $35Deer hunting is one of the most rewarding ways to enjoy Tennessee’s great outdoors. Having abundant public lands and annual harvests averaging well over 100,000 deer, Tennessee is a great place to learn to hunt. If you are new to deer hunting or just looking for tips to make you more successful this season, this three-hour in-person workshop has something for all experience levels.Registration Link: https://act.tnwf.org/a/roan-mountain-deer-fy24-20231014


Waterfowl Hunting WorkshopDec. 14, 6-8 p.m. ET – Knoxville, TNPrice $35In the winter thousands of migrating waterfowl make their way south, many of which make a stop in Tennessee. In this two-hour in-person workshop we will cover everything you need to know to safely and successfully enjoy the sport of waterfowl hunting.Registration Link: https://act.tnwf.org/a/knoxville-duck-fy24-20231214 

About Tennessee Wildlife Federation

Tennessee Wildlife Federation leads the conservation, sound management and wise use of Tennessee’s great outdoors. Since 1946, the Federation has spearheaded the development of the state’s wildlife policy, advanced landmark legislation on air and water quality and other conservation initiatives, helped restore numerous species, and introduced thousands of kids to the great outdoors. To learn more, visit tnwf.org.

Tennessee Wildlife Federation