Corker: Japan’s Interest in Joining Trans-Pacific Trade Talks Is “Positive Step” Toward Expanded Economic Opportunities for U.S.
U.S. Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn., ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Friday said Japan’s interest in joining trade talks between the U.S. and 10 other nations ringing the Pacific Ocean is a positive step toward an eventual agreement, which would provide significant, expanded economic opportunities for the United States. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would eliminate tariffs and other barriers to trade and investment, creating new growth opportunities for American businesses and allowing for greater foreign investment in the U.S. that would create new jobs.
“As the world’s third largest economy, a strong U.S. ally and a regional leader, Japan’s interest in joining the Trans-Pacific trade talks is a positive step toward establishment of an agreement that holds tremendous potential for job and economic growth in the United States. While time is of the essence and there will be challenges in this negotiation, this is a very positive development in our efforts to open new markets for American businesses,” said Corker.