Farm Service Agency Offers Producers a Free Online News Service

Up-to-the-Minute Farm Program News Direct to Your Email Account or Smartphone

USDA FSA United State Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency logoUSDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director, CEO James L Giffin announced that farmers and ranchers in Jefferson, Cocke and Sevier Counties now have a more efficient, timely option for receiving important FSA program eligibility requirements, deadlines and related information.

“FSA is now offering free online communications through our GovDelivery electronic news service,” saidCEO Giffin. “News will now be sent via e-mail right to your home or farm office or to your Smartphone- allowing you to receive immediate notification of farm program news that is pertinent to your agricultural operation,” he said.

Through FSA’s GovDelivery electronic news service, producers can establish subscriber preferences by choosing to receive federal farm program information by topic, by state and/or by county. Producers can select as many subscriber options as they want, which allows producers who farm in multiple counties or across state lines to receive updates from each county in which they operate or have an interest.

According to CED Giffin, GovDelivery is a one-stop shop for the most up-to-date USDA program information.

“If, after using this online system, producers no longer wish to receive hardcopy newsletters from their local county office, they should contact the office and make their preferences known,” said CEO Giffin. “GovDelivery will enable FSA to keep producers better informed and allow us to conserve resources and reduce taxpayer expenses associated with the preparation, printing and distribution of hardcopy newsletters,” he said.

To begin using GovDelivery, subscribe online at or contact your local office for subscription assistance.

Please contact Jefferson/Sevier/Cocke FSA office if you have questions regarding FSA’s GovDelivery electronic news service.

Source: Jefferson/Sevier/Cocke FSA