GRITS & Fusion Martial Arts Team Up At Fundraiser For Local Youth

Grits CD Release 1 04152013

GRITS performing at Dandridge Field of Dreams – Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Instructor Charles Ruth, L-R / Sam Estepp, Wyatt Crippen and Frankie Estepp - Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Instructor Charles Ruth, L-R / Sam Estepp, Wyatt Crippen and Frankie Estepp
– Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Grits, one of Jefferson County’s favorite local bands, hosted their release for their brand new cd on Saturday evening at the Field of Dreams in Dandridge. Tennessee Weather debuts some original tunes of the band and has been highly anticipated by fans of the group. Saturday’s release event was a combined effort with Fusion Martial Arts that was designed to serve as a fundraiser for a local boy who has faced a series of medical issues that have cumulated high medical bills. Wyatt Crippen is a student in Jefferson County and attends Fusion Martial Arts. Over the course of two years, Wyatt has undergone two brain surgeries to remove tumors that reoccurred. In addition to Grits cd release, there was a Kick-A-Thon to benefit Wyatt’s family. The members of Grits and staff and students at Fusion Martial Arts were excited to be able to contribute their talents to helping Wyatt and his family. Those that missed Saturday’s event can look forward to catching Grits performance and picking up a copy of their new cd during the upcoming Dumplin Valley Concert Series, or as the headliners for the First Friday event at Dandridge Pizza and More. The popular local band can also be seen at other venues across the region.

Source: K. Depew, News Director