Citizen Complaint Calls Up Ethics Committee

The Jefferson County Ethics Committee convened on Monday, April 22, 2013 in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.  The Committee was Called to Order By Chairman Tipton. Present were Committee Members Scarlett, Maples, Tucker and Sheets.

Following the Approval of the July 9, 2012 meeting minutes, the Committee took up the first order of business on the agenda. Jefferson County citizen Mike Underwood had filed a complaint against Commissioner Russell Turner stating that Turner had left his position as teacher of JCHS ROTC to attend County functions without following Department of Education Policy, which was impacting to tax payers.

Three dates were listed in the complaint and Director of Jefferson County Finance Helton stated that, according to records, Commissioner Turner had not officially taken time off from work on the listed dates. Payroll records were presented as evidence that no leave was taken for the dates in question. It was confirmed that Turner’s pay comes from State, Federal and County funds.

Jefferson County High School Vice-Principal John Cagle addressed the Committee on behalf of Commissioner Turner. He stated that he is the Principal in charge of the portion of the building where Turner’s class is located and that the Commissioner had received permission to leave for the functions on the dates in question.

Commissioner Turner stated that he had communication from CTAS that spoke to a limited scope of responsibility and function of the Ethics Committee. He said that he had permission to leave on the dates in question and that he feels that it is the duty of Commissioners to represent their district at events, when possible. Turner stated that he respected the right of citizens to file complaints but felt that the charge that was filed was not representative of the situation.

Chairman Tipton stated that CTAS was not the definitive authority for Jefferson County and that the Committee was within its boundaries to look at the complaint and send it to the proper channel.

Mike Underwood stated that he had been informed by several Jefferson County teachers that it was policy to take half or full days personal leave if the teacher must leave school grounds for an appointment or function. He said that, operating under the assumption that his information was correct, Turner had violated policy to attend functions.

Director of Schools Edmonds stated that, due to extended planning periods and extracurricular activities that high school teachers must attend, there is more latitude in leaving school grounds for high school teachers than those in elementary and middle schools. He said that permission to leave did not constitute comp time.

Vice-Principal Cagle said that no sign out process was in place for teachers leaving school grounds, however they are required to inform their supervisor. Committee Member Tucker requested information on the time of day that Commissioner Turner has his planning period. Both Commissioner Turner and Vice-Principal Cagle declined to answer the request, stating that the information was outside the scope of the complaint.

Chairman Tipton, in answer to a question by Scarlett, stated that Commissioner Turner had not been available to meet in the morning hours on April 15th due to issues concerning scheduling.

Committee Member Scarlett made a Motion to refer the issues in the complaint to the proper department (Director of Schools Edmonds) for review/action and to request a written response of any action that was taken. The Motion also included that the response address the difference in taking leave on the dates noted in the complaint and the original meeting date. 2nd Tucker and Passed Unanimously

In Other Business, Committee Member Scarlett was elected to serve as Chairman of the Committee- Superintendent Tipton was elected Vice-Chair and Committee Member Maples as Secretary.

Source: K. Depew, News Director