C-N Forensics Team, Coach, earn national titles at Christian College Nationals

Carson-Newman Forensics Team 04262013

Carson-Newman University’s 2012-13 Forensics Team

Callie Booher and Chance Lewis became national forensic champions in their respective categories at the Christian College Nationals held March 9-11 in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

“They amaze me constantly,” said C-N Forensics Coach, Chip Hall, who was named Forensics Coach of the Year at the event. “They represent this school in such a positive way and they don’t realize how high the ceiling is for what they are capable of,” said Hall. “They constantly crash through my expectations over and over.”

Booher received her national championship in Rhetorical Criticism and Lewis likewise, received his in Novice Extemporaneous Speaking. Other members of the team were finalists in their categories.

The C-N Forensics Team collectively placed third overall in their division at the national competition. Carson-Newman has captured top honors the past three years at the competition.

Hall also earned top honors, being name “Forensics Coach of the Year” at the event. Hall, a Maine native, and graduate of Berry College and the University of West Florida, joined C-N’s faculty in 2005.

The C-N team competes in different public speaking competitions around the country such as Rhetorical Criticism, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking, and others.