Douglas Lake Levels Overrun Normal Boundaries

Dandridge Administrator Bryan McCarter observing water levels at the Dandridge dike - Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Dandridge Administrator Bryan McCarter observing water levels at the Dandridge dike – Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Lake waters on Douglas rose significantly this week and the increased water level overran the normal boundaries that exist during peak recreational season. The dike in Dandridge saw waters creeping onto the banks and submerging the picnic area. On May 9, 2013, lake level reached a high reading of 998.25. This level was logged in the 1am reading slot and did not have any significant drop until Friday morning, May 10th. At 9am on Friday morning Douglas Lake Levels were logged at 997.97. According to information from Tennessee Valley Authority, Douglas Lake will be spilling until further notice. Cherokee Lake has managed to retain a more steady level during the last week and is not included in the public spilling notice, though TVA cautions that water release schedules often change without notice due to power needs and weather conditions. Caution should be used near any dam, because water can be released at any time, regardless of spillage notices. TVA will maintain both Douglas and Cherokee Lakes at recreational level throughout the summer months.

Source: K. Depew, News Director