The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe Buzzz word this week is teamwork. The head governmental hive will meet to discuss adding 13 drops to the honey jar and the buzz is that some in the hive are less than happy about the situation. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that alliances are changing with the speed of a mad hornet and that it isn’t only the proposed addition to the honey pot that is causing the hive shake and shimmy. The low humm is that it may be divided loyalties on other fronts that cause the big split and that blood is thicker than honey. The low, low humm is that contract bids, or rather lack of contract bids, could bee a stinging point.

And in other buzzz, time is ticking for the hive on the hill and the buzz is that some of the drones are not happy with divisive decisions. The buzz says that there is a fine line between strategic absenteeism and fleeing fast when the nest is on fire and the actions of one buzzy bee may bee more the latter. Buzzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director