More Why

editorial-logo3Questions are funny creatures. Some would say that there cannot be too many questions but I would have to disagree. There certainly can be too many questions if they are not well thought and I also disagree that there are no dumb questions. Of course there are dumb questions. I have heard many through the years and so have you. Usually, I have found that too few appropriate questions are posed and far too many ridiculous questions are given credence. Let’s take two instances that are the poster children for both ends of that spectrum.

Apparently, Carson Newman University President O’Brien posed a question on a social media site relating to equality and pondered if offered $20 million dollars would you become black. His musing set off a storm of controversy that was worthy of being caught with a ten dollar hooker. In fact, he probably would have had less to answer for had he just been caught soliciting. Was his question stupid? No. He is, at the core, an educator. It is his job, his professional responsibility, to made people think. The possibility of equality is one of the great questions of this generation and society cannot hide behind the veil of propriety. The stupidity in this situation lies with those that made a big deal about an educator addressing a subject that is, at its core, a big deal. I am with O’Brien on this one. Our collective carpet has one to many issues shoved under. Let’s talk about those touchy subjects in a real and productive way. Score one for an educated question and 0 for those offended by it.

And now for a question that should be asked but wasn’t. How can the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce and EDOC have a combined estimated expenditure of over $1 million dollars? They share an office and they share employees. I get it when they were funding the fall out for the megasite but not now. Where is all of this money going? Why are the costs of websites more than $27,000? Check it out and you will see that it is a very basic site. Sure they belong to the State driven vacation and retirement sites but those costs were listed separately. And why is EDOC spending nearly $50,000 to strengthen the Chamber of Commerce. Why is Don Cason’s name listed as the contact person for both requests (EDOC and Chamber)? Why is a member of the County budget committee listed as a signer on the funding request form? How do you fill out expenditure estimates and not have those numbers available when requested? All of these are reasonable and unanswered-as well as unasked- questions. Score $335,000 for the Chamber/EDOC and 0 for the taxpayers of Jefferson County.

Questions are wonderful when they open up dialogue. Questions are frustrating when they are repeatedly unanswered. We need a little more of the former and a little less of the latter in this County. So, for those that are looking for something to rail about-get off the social media sites and grab a bench at the next budget committee meeting. You won’t be disappointed.

Source: K. Depew, News Director