Non-Incident At JCHS According To Officials

According to information provided by the Jefferson County Department of Education, rumors of an incident at Jefferson County High School are incorrect. Administration received word that text messages were being passed around that alluded to a potential security issue, however intense investigation by School Administration and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department revealed that there was no threat and the situation was no more than rumors passed through text and social media. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department did have a presence at Jefferson County High School throughout Friday morning but no real threat was identified. Any action taken at the school, by School Administration or the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, was simply precautionary. The following was a statement released by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department concerning the situation.

October 31st, 2014 at approximately 6:20 AM Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office received information that a parent had found a face book message of rumors going around that there is suppose to be a school shooting tomorrow.

Jefferson County Sheriff G.W. Bud McCoig was notified and the Sheriff, Sgt. Donna Greer, and others started investigating the message.

Dr. Scott Walker Principle of Jefferson County High School was informed and assisted in the investigation.

Safe procedures were put in place at the school until the investigation was completed.

The investigation shows that the face book message had derived from several students changing the conversation in the message of “Did you hear about the student that was going to release demons on Halloween”. The student that had made the statement “I am going to release demons on Halloween” is no longer at the Jefferson County High School and has been gone for several weeks. No weapon was to be brought to the school.

Source: K. Depew, News Director