Hot Tempers and Happy Easter

editorial-logo3It is getting a little hot in Jefferson County, and I obviously don’t mean the thermostat. With elections looming and so much change in the air, it is no wonder that tensions are running high. The County Commission kicked off the week facing an angry crowd from Parrotts Chapel, who are looking to leave Jefferson County and upgrade their services in Sevier County. This is an old topic, and it is always controversial, but it is really like beating a dead horse. The topic has been broached on many levels and in many forms, and the County Commission just isn’t interested in giving away Jefferson County property to Sevier County. It is a complicated issue, and there are some service issues, but most feel that they can be addressed without taking drastic steps. It will be interesting to see if the remedies are enough for the Parrotts Chapel community, or if they really just want to be Sevier County residents. As for me, I am becoming almost as offended as they are that they see Sevier County as an upgrade. I understand wanting services, but the tactics are becoming a little insulting. So, it isn’t any wonder that the County Commission was on pins and needles from the get go Monday evening. Toss in a little personality conflict and you get a long, intense, hateful meeting.

And then there is the School Board. They spent four days in a row together interviewing and meeting last week, and apparently four is a few too many. Tensions were high and feathers were ruffled. Let’s hope that their interpersonal problems don’t impact who we get as the next director of schools for Jefferson County. They have a week off, so maybe cooler heads will prevail.

Anyway, this is Holy Week, and it is one of my favorite times of the year. I hope that each and every one of you has a wonderful week. From the Jefferson County Post family to Yours, Happy Easter!

Source: K. Depew, News Director