Lincoln Child’s: Deep Storm

A Must Read 300I have received multiple requests for another review of an action novel. Your wish is my demand, so this week I am reviewing Lincoln Child’s Deep Storm. Deep Storm follows Peter Crane, a former Naval doctor. Crane is called to examine the mystifying cases that have surfaced on a North Atlantic oil rig. As it turns out, the oil rig is merely a cover for the facility underneath it: Deep Storm. As more and more workers begin to lose their minds, and the death toll continues to rise, Crane must discover just what is happening in the world below the surface, as well as figuring out exactly what was reportedly recovered from the depths of the ocean.

Deep Storm has just about everything you would want in an action novel. There’s amazing technology, secrets, sabotage, and (of course) a race against the clock. Child’s writing is very solid, and he manages to really drive home the feeling that Crane is miles underwater, completely cut off from the outside world. Child shows his mark as an author when it comes to the environments the characters find themselves in. Deep Storm itself is as much a character as anybody found in the novel, often being wondrous and, at times, frightening in its own right. In fact, the facility is often incredibly intimidating, as alien in construction and function as Crane is finding the mysteries under the surface. The progression of the illness found in the facility is particularly unsettling, and there are many times where I found myself thinking of being in Crane’s shoes. Let me tell you, it wouldn’t be fun. Ultimately, Child has just managed to draw up a very engaging and interesting setting, one that I actually hold as one of the most enjoyable I have read about to date. Is Deep Storm going to be heralded as a masterpiece of technical literature? Probably not. That being said, I still hold this novel as one of my favorite action/mystery novels, and have (and will continue to do so) recommended this to many who love a fast paced read. If you like action or thriller novels, particularly with a healthy dosage of mystery and treachery, then give Lincoln Child’s Deep Storm a look.

Source: Jake Depew, Assistant Editor