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Nov 8, Night Of The Patriots 2012 at JCHS

Nov 8, Night Of The Patriots 2012 at JCHS Night of the Patriots 2012 will be November 8 at 7:00 PM in the JCHS Gym. This is the 20th annual show, celebrating patriotism, showcasing student talent, and most importantly honoring our local veterans. All veterans are invited to enjoy a complementary chili supper in the […]

Nov 7, AARP Driver Safety Course hosted by Dandridge Senior Center

The Dandridge Senior Center will host an AARP Driver Safety Course on Wednesday, November 7, at the Dandridge Senior Center, 917 Elliott Ferry Road. Class hours are 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. To register, contact Center Director Linda Manley, 865 397-7605. To recognize and thank Veterans for their dedication and commitment to service, AARP Driver […]

Nov 9th, Veteran’s Breakfast Hosted by Rush Strong School

Rush Strong School wishes to honor veterans in the Strawberry Plains community with a breakfast and program beginning at 8:30 AM on Friday November 9th. Please RSVP by email to odelln@k12tn.net, on the web at www.jc-schools.net/rss or by calling the school office at 933-5313.

Nov 4, Community Missions Barbeque Dinner

Nov 4, Community Missions Barbeque Dinner The First United Methodist Church of Dandridge will host the Community Missions Barbeque Dinner on November 4th between the hours of 4-7pm to aid local citizens who may need assistance with home chores. Donations are accepted and appreciated.

Coats for our Community fundraiser set for Saturday

Coats for our Community fundraiser set for Saturday

Blount County Fire Protection District is holding its annual Coats for our Community fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 10 a.m. Doors open at 9 a.m. at The Auction House of TN, Inc., located at 2110 East Broadway Ave. (across from Hardees), Maryville. Auction services are provided by auctioneer Dick Rose (License #2683) of Rose […]


INVITATION TO BID The Jefferson County Purchasing Department will be accepting sealed bids from qualified vendors to: 1) move 3 portables from Jefferson Elementary School to Jefferson Academy; 2) move 3 portables from Dandridge Elementary School to the Jefferson County Bus Garage. For more detailed specifications and to schedule a site visit, vendors should contact […]

County Attorney To Lead Investigation of “Doggy-Gate”

County Attorney To Lead Investigation of  “Doggy-Gate”

The Jefferson County Mayor’s Office received an inquiry letter and demand for investigation from Tennessee Occupational Health and Safety Administration (TOSHA) in regard to a recent issue that has garnered attention in both the community and at County governmental meetings. The letter, dated October 25, 2012, informed Director of Facilities for Jefferson County David Longmire […]

Happy Halloween

Jefferson County residents will welcome Halloween 2012 on October 31. Halloween is believed to have originated from the Celtic festival Samhain, which was a time when people would don costumes and light large bonfires to ward off ghosts. During the 8th century, November 1st was designated as All Saints’ Day and some of the traditions […]

Early Voting Ends Tomorrow

Early Voting Ends Tomorrow

As the end of the early voting period approaches tomorrow, Tennessee voters continued to turn out in large numbers. On Tuesday, more than 107,000 voters cast their ballots for the November 6 election. The overall turnout of 1,215,458 voters statewide already represents the second-highest early voting turnout in Tennessee history, having surpassed November 2004, the […]


TOMMY RAY LYLE, age 45, of Dandridge, TN, died Thursday, October 18, 2012. Preceded in death by his mother, Frankie Elmore Lyle; brother, Cecil Lyle, Jr. Survived by wife, Tammy Ramsey Price Lyle; children, Christy (Jason) Anderson and Jeffery Lyle; grandchildren, Dominic , Ian , Alisa and Brycen Anderson; Father, Cecil “Tommy” Lyle; step-children, Deekoto […]


DORIS LEE MATTHEWS, age 88, of Talbott, TN and formerly of Daytona Beach, FL passed away Friday, October 19, 2012 at Life Care Center of Morristown. Doris was preceded in death by her husband, Claude Matthews and stepson, Ernest Matthews. She is survived by her children, Harold Meeks, Jr., and wife, Gwen of Talbott, and […]

Nov 2, Dining With Democrats

The Jefferson County Democratic Party invites county Democrats to gather for our November First Friday Dining With Democrats dutch treat lunch. The lunch will be Friday, November 2, at 11:30 a.m. at Perkins Family Restaurant in Dandridge. The large room has been reserved for our use. Reservations are needed and can be made by e-mailing […]

New Health Care Challenges Coming With New Year

As 2012 comes to a close, we face many challenges: averting the fiscal cliff that could send us spiraling back into a recession, tackling our crippling deficit and the dire need to balance our budget. But equally worrisome are the sweeping changes coming to our health care system in the new year. These changes include: […]

Town of Dandridge Regional Planning Commission Regular Meeting

New Business 1. 2 lots or less subdivision 902 Oak Village Court, Milldale Square, Michael Horne. Action approved by Commission. 6. Change Meeting Date For November and December. Due to Thanksgiving and Christmas the next meeting will be November 29, 2012 at 7:00 pm. There will be no meeting in December 2012. Miscellaneous Business Received […]

Feel Your Best for the Upcoming Holiday Season!

Beginning November 5th, “Living Well with Chronic Conditions” will be offered FREE as a 6 session series. This program will offer tips and skills to help individuals manage problems common to chronic health conditions as well as skills to work effectively with health care professionals. The program also helps individuals take day-to-day responsibility for the […]

Jefferson County School Board

The Jefferson County School Board held a Called Meeting on Thursday, October 25, 2012 in the Media Center of Jefferson County High School. The Meeting was Called to Order by Acting Chairman Jarnigan. Absent from Roll Call were Board Members Potts and Cavanah. Upon a Motion from Vines and 2nd from Rogers the Agenda was […]