Dandridge DAR Attends Tennessee Conference

“Be Ye a Doer” was the theme of Denise Doring VanBuren’s opening speech at the 114th Conference of the Tennessee Society Daughters of the American Revolution (TSDAR) April 25-28 in Franklin, TN.

Ms. VanBuren, First Vice President General, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), urged the 565 attendees from across the state to continue their excellent record of service to others. She expressed pride in the 96 chapters for being “doers, not hearers only” (based on James 1:22) in their communities.

The five members of the Martha Dandridge Washington Chapter (MDW), NSDAR, who attended the conference were Chapter Regent Jane Chambers, Registrar Karen McFarland, Tennessee Society NSDAR Schools Vice Chair for The Crossnore School Ellie Betts, Carolyn Mitchell, and Linda Null Bonner.

Among the workshops the chapter members attended were “Tennessee Historic Preservation – Keep Tennessee Alive” and “Navigating the New Frontier – Genetic Genealogy.”

A conservation goal of the 3-year administration of TSDAR Regent Charlotte Reynolds has been “Be a Friend to Bees.” In the workshop “Master Gardener: Pollinators, the Little Things that Run the World,” the audience was encouraged to plant pollinator gardens with native plants to help all pollinators to flourish. Although non-native honey bees are essential to food production, native species of bees such as Mason bees, leaf-cutter bees, and carpenter bees can be as effective or more effective at pollinating, without the sting.

Another focus of the NSDAR is education, especially through the DAR schools. The MDW Chapter contributed twin sheet sets to the pickup truck full of bedding for The Crossnore School Children’s Home. Gently used jewelry, non-GMO seeds, and Walmart gift cards were also contributed for schools.

The Service to America goal of the NSDAR during the 3-year administration of President General Ann Turner Dillon has been to accumulate 19 million volunteer hours in honor of passage of the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which gave women the right to vote. During 2018, TSDAR chapters accumulated 270,166 volunteer hours.

At the Regents’ Banquet on Saturday evening, Regent Jane Chambers proudly represented the MDW Chapter. Brad Akard, Director of Development, Cheekwood Estate and Gardens, entertained the crowd with a humorous speech titled “Cheekwood: Nashville’s Own National Treasure.”

Each year at the state conference, awards are given to chapters for achievements in many areas. This year the MDW Chapter garnered 1 national award and 32 state awards in such areas as: President General’s Project, American History, Commemorative Events, DAR Magazine, Historic Preservation, Literacy Promotion, Membership, Newsletter Submission, Scholarships, Service to America, Service to Veterans, Tennessee History, Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemorative Partner, and Yearbook.

For information about the DAR, contact Registrar Karen McFarland at (865) 258-8670 or Regent Jane Chambers at (865) 591-3857.