National Park Service Seeks Information Regarding Man’s Death
The National Park Service Investigative Services Branch (ISB) investigators are trying to determine the circumstances surrounding the death of David Carver, Jr who was found in Great Smoky Mountains National Park on July 8, 2019. Carver was reported missing by a family member to the Blount County Sheriff’s Office in early June.
If you have information about Carver’s death, or know something that could help investigators determine how Carver got to the park and what he was doing there, please contact the ISB investigators through any of the following means:
• CALL or TEXT the ISB Tip Line at 888-653-0009
• ONLINE at and click “Submit a Tip”
• MESSAGE on Facebook @InvestigativeServicesNPS or Twitter @SpecialAgentNPS or Instagram @SpecialAgent_NPS
Callers may remain anonymous if they choose. Monetary rewards may be available to those who provide credible information that aids the investigation.